Looking for advice?
- Check out the General Advice section or browse by Activity Types in the left Menu.
Looking for community?
- Check out the Communities page for Facebook groups and others, including diversity & inclusion groups.
- Or check out the Forums to chat with other outdoor parents on this site.
- Or get inspired by reading interviews from other outdoor parents on our main Oudoor Kid Handbook page.
Prefer learning from books or blogs?
- Check out the Other online content page, which also includes recommended Instagrammers and YouTube channels.
- Or the Books page.
- Or go back to our main Oudoor Kid Handbook page and check out our monthly outdoor inspiration roundups.
Ready to start planning a trip?
- Backpacking Trails
- Campsite Recommendations
- Climbing Areas for Kids
- Bike Tours for Kids
- Paddling Trips for Kids
- Ski Resort Tips for Families
Do you want to help make this community better?
- Here's a list of topics that could use work: Help Needed
- Then create an account on the site and start contributing. If you want tips on how to edit Wiki pages, check out the Page Editing Tips.
- Or join the Forums to help answer questions.
Community Rules:
- Remember that there is no right or wrong way to do something, just different ways that work for different people
- If something didn't work for you and something else worked for you, explain why
- Links to good summary articles written by bloggers or websites should be included on a page, but include a summary of why it was helpful and when the article was written
- Links to products cannot include affiliate programs unless they benefit this website (which is not something this website is doing currently)
- The target audience of this website is teaching people to do outdoor activities with kids, not teaching them how to do that activity. So these pages should be focused on information specifically to do something with kids and what is different when bringing kids